
Getting started

Getting started as user

Use Acelet

Getting started as tournament spectator

Watch match

Getting started as tournament player

Register for tournament as player
Response to invitation to join a team
Locate matches as player

Getting started as tournament manager

Create tournament and events
Login as administrator
Review and enroll registrants
Make draw
Optional: Setup facility and queue
Optional: Manage tournament on the day of play
Use consultants and operators

Getting started as tournament referee

Register for tournament as referee
Locate matches as referee
Referee match


Create tournament and events
Locate matches as player
Locate matches as referee
Login as administrator
Make draw
Manage tournament on the day of play
Referee match
Register for tournament as player
Register for tournament as referee
Response to invitation to join a team
Review and enroll registrants
Setup facility and queue
Update my profile
Update preference
Use Acelet
Use consultants and operators
Watch match
✖ Close

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